(UPDATED January 2022 to address Omicron)

For those of you who remember, our last VIDA x Covid-19 update (on June 30, 2021) shared that we would soon be in a position to relax some of our strictest rules imposed to curb the spread of Covid-19. These new policies lasted a whole two weeks before new mandates were released by the state, and we updated ours accordingly.

Over the last 20 months, we have learned that adaptability — and continued contentiousness — is key to safe and productive operations and we continue to be committed to this ideal

In response to ever-shifting conditions, and since it’s been four months since the last update, we wanted to remind members and guests of our current practices and policies, give guidance to if/when they might change, and outline specifics on what to do if you receive a positive Covid test or have had exposure. 

These policies include:

Masks & Vaccination Status

  • Masks are required in all public/common spaces, although not in private offices or booked conference rooms. Our mask mandate has always, and will always, follow the State of Oregon’s — and ours will change as the State makes new recommendations. We will publicly announce to our membership any upcoming changes and the date they will go into effect.
  • If you do work in a private space with your mask off, please close the door.
  • Our self-reported community-wide vaccination rate is currently at 90%. Given this high rate, we are not requiring members to be vaccinated, but we will require non-members who pay to use our space (conference rooms, days passes, etc) to show proof of vaccination.


Space & Access

  • The VIDA front door will remain locked and closed.
  • All members and guests of VIDA members must check-in on the tablet (either at the door or on the front credenza).
  • Coffee, tea and kombucha is open for self-service and Grab & Go Meals are available for purchase. Masks may be removed in public spaces for drinking and eating.
  • We will continue our enhanced cleaning practices, and the updated HVAC systems installed during the pandemic will remain in effect.
  • Conference Rooms & Day Passes are now available to non-members, with proof of vaccination.


Communication & Quarantines

  • Any information we have about members who have tested positive for Covid-19 will be shared with the VIDA community (anonymously).
  • If you test positive for Covid-19, please refer to the following guidelines for our community:
    • Let us know as soon as possible so we can share information with the membership. We will keep identities anonymous, but we do appreciate specific details and timelines.
    • You must remain away from VIDA for a period of 10 days from symptom onset and you may return to VIDA once this period has ended + you are fully asymptomatic.
  • If you have had potential exposure to COVID-19 (which is defined by the CDC as having close contact within 6 feet of an individual with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 for 15 minutes or more – unmasked – starting 48 hours before that individual became symptomatic), please stay home and away from VIDA until you can test to determine virus status. If a test is negative after 5 days post-exposure and you are symptom-free, you are welcome back in.

We have a stock of iHealth Labs Rapid Tests available for our members (and those who critically need them) — please let us know if you need one and we will figure out how to get them to you!

We’re so proud of how the VIDA community has shown up during this pandemic period — and we remain full of gratitude for each and every one of our members. Now, as we move closer to an “endemic” reality, we look forward to what the future will hold for all of us.

As always, if you have questions, concerns, or just want to hear more about how we made these decisions, feel free to reach out.

Best always and see you soon,

~Melanie Marconi