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Think of VIDA’s Business Services as Your Own Virtual Personal Assistant

One of the strangest things about life in the pandemic is how distorted time feels. March seems like it took place about, oh…three lifetimes ago. Yet even as the months crawl by, days can feel more frantic than before the virus hit. So, it goes without saying that we all need a little help. Enter: VIDA Coworking’s virtual assistant services. Our goal is to make life work even better for you and your business. That’s why we created this virtual personal assistant to cover a full suite of business needs.

Our business services do more than help operationalize and grow your business. They give you a break and time to focus (or play!). Chalk it up to the intense stress, isolation, or the simple reality that many who are still employed actually are working many more hours than the 40 hours they were in February. Even the most resilient among us are doing a heavy stress-fueled dose of online retail therapy – even if life is currently presenting us few opportunities to wear those new high heels.

Instead, let us suggest a different kind of investment in your happiness: Your time. Studies suggest that the satisfaction of spending your hard-earned dollars on stuff wears off fast. Yet spending it on services that give you more time can pay real, long-term dividends in well-being.

We’re firm believers in this principle. That’s part of why we’ve always offered concierge services for Members, like picking up dry cleaning or tracking down somebody to fix that weird new noise coming from your dishwasher. But after the year we’ve all had, we realized those time-sucks exist beyond your personal life. They’re all around us—including our businesses.

That’s one of the reasons VIDA Coworking launched our new Business Services division. Think of VIDA Business Services as your virtual personal assistant for all those little tasks and big-picture ideas in your business. Want to give yourself a real boost of joy? “In-source” a few tasks to VIDA staff members and spend your newfound time on the stuff that really matters to you, your business and your personal life.

VIDA’s Business Services

VIDA’s team members make up a multi-talented group with decades of experience in private and nonprofit operations, management, strategic planning, communication and entrepreneurship. That means our expertise spans a huge swath of business consulting services, such as:

Virtual Assistant Services

Emails. Calendar management. Data entry. All those little tasks can really add up to a huge time suck. Let us take some of that admin off your plate.

Business Consulting Services

Need a little perspective? Sit down for a 1:1 with VIDA’s founder, Melanie Marconi, for a focused chat about that your business plan or a big issue that’s keeping you up at night. Or, strategize about that upcoming product launch, expansion or pivot. Essentially, our small business consulting services are at your disposal no matter the need, question or concern.

Content Creation & Production

From podcasts and videos to blogs, social media and websites, our world is awash in content. We can help you design media that hooks your customers. If you need a specialist, we can connect you to videographers, copywriters, graphic designers and photographers that can make your business shine.

One of the hardest skills for many business owners to learn is effective delegation, especially in the day-to-day. Some researchers suggest that women have a particularly hard time with this. Social pressures on women to “do it all” mean many of us are accustomed to juggling dozens of household tasks at a time, from long-term stuff like managing our family’s retirement accounts, to the nitty-gritty of remembering which kid got which vaccination when. It’s easy to feel guilty about handing a task off to somebody else.

But running a business is different than running a life (although please, if possible, hand off some of those household tasks, too!). Your time is so valuable. Plus, you’re also human, which means you’re not equally good at everything.

We all have strengths and weaknesses, and it just doesn’t make sense for you to dedicate a dozen hours to wrestling with importing data into your CRM when you could be using that time to make new connections with potential partners, reinforce relationships with clients, or take that continuing education class you’ve been intrigued by.

Want to chat more about how VIDA’s virtual assistant services can help take care of those time-consuming to-dos, so you’ve got more time for the big-picture stuff? Please get in touch. We can’t wait to learn more about what makes your business tick.